
Thursday, June 20, 2019

Monday, June 17, 2019

Monday mash up art attack

i have drafted a picture of a rock that says have a good day. I am going to paint it on a rock and I gave a card to Tama with a picture of the rock. I am going top give my rock give my friend Tamaroa

Thursday, June 13, 2019

the crashed city

The crashed city

It was like every statue in the world had just hit new York or an asteroid had hit it. All of tall buildings were going to fall straight on my head. I sprint as hard as i could to try and outrun the raining buildings. I ran through about 20 parks and ran into about 10 trees because i keeped looking back to see if i was out running the falling buildings. I keeped running for about 1 more hour then i had out ran all of the falling buildings but soon it started raining i had no warm home to stay in and no warm blankets to sleep in where would i go? Luckily there was a park nearby and there was a bench so i slept there for the night. 5000 billion years later…………………... it was morning everything was broken and it was very very quiet. I continued my walk until i made it to New jersey where it was busy as anything and everyone was talking about what happened to new York and all of the buildings falling down some people say that it was caused by a an earthquake some say someone bombed 1 tower and then they all fell on each other. I keeped on walking until i found my mums cafe called switch new jersey ¨apartley¨ everyone goes there. So i went in and asked this guy called ryan to see if my mum was working today. He said no it's Friday she never works on Fridays oh i said she might be at her house the address is 2311 new jersey road alright i say i'll find that address 5 years later……. I found my mums house. i knocked on the door and there she was and lived in new jersey for the rest of my life.

the end