
Thursday, February 27, 2020

Tech Today

Today at Tech
 Today at Linwood technology I done Mechatronics. If you are wondering what Mechatronics is it's a mix between Metals and robotics. This week was Metals and we made a whistle out of sheet metal.Today we had a new teacher called Mrs.Donaldson you-sally we have Mrs.b but she was sick today.first of we got two bits of sheet metal and sanded them down because they were really sharp because it was scrap metal. Then we had to find the right measurements and bend the metal. then we just had to put  the metal together and fold them. now for testing the fist five minutes I was trying to find  out how to use it but then I got it, it was defining i said WOW! there so loud and then my friend Bronson got his even louder than mine and that was my day at tech this week. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Maths Today

                              Maths Today
Today in maths we did our multiplication warm up of 100 questions. I did mine in 9:09 minutes the rest of the group mostly done it in 5:00. My friend Rhycos done his in like 3:00! once i finished I looked at my watch and it was 10:40 that's when my guitar lesson is I just ran out the door and sed to the teacher as I was running got to go to my guitar lesson but i'm not sure she heard me anyway that was maths today it was a short lesson because I had guitar. 

do you like maths? 

Friday, February 21, 2020

Tyre Running

                                                               Tyre Running
  Yesterday i went tyre running. what is tyre running you ask its when you have to run a lap of the back field of your school carrying a tyre. Our team came fourth but the team that came first cheated. you guys should really try this game out tell your teachers!

Have you guys done a Tyre run?

Thursday, February 20, 2020

this week at surfing

this week at surfing i got to go to both days, wednesday was the most fun because the waves were perfect but none of my friends were there that was one of the advantages of the friday group. the rest of the day was pretty much the same as last week so go check that storie out below.

do you go surfing at school?

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Swimming Today


Today I did Swimming at our School Pool. First we had to help Mr Redmond untangle the lane ropes and chuck them in the pool. Then we get to the fun bit! the lengths, our group had to do 8 lengths and then we got free time everyone else had to do 4 or 2 lengths. I finished in about 5 minutes so I could get free time quicker. So after I done my lengths I went to my free time pretty much 10 minutes after that we had to go back to the class room and that was my morning at our school pool.

Do you have a pool at your school?

Friday, February 14, 2020

More Zumba

                    hears some more Zumba

Zumba Friday

Zumba Friday
This is Zumba we do it every Friday i don't really like it at all but it looked like all the other kids had fun.

Have You ever done Zumba?

The First Day Of Technology

                       The First Day of Tech

Today we went to Linwood College for Technology. I was in Foods and Robotics, For food we had to make a Wrap I put ham,cheese,lettuce,Mayo,cucumber and carrot. The first step was to learn about keeping our hands clean and hygiene,then I had to get our ingredients and put them on the tortilla then I had to roll my wrap up and cut it in half i didn't really want to cut it half but we had too. After that we just had to clean up our bench and then we went out for a break. After the break i moved on too Mechatronics but we didn't get to do anything because two kids in our class kept talking we the teacher was and gave someone in our class a really bad headache and had to go home. not long after that we had to head back to school and that was my day at Linwood College Technology.

Does Your School Go Too Technology?

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

My Surfing Experience

Today I went surfing with Mr Redmond my teacher, but first we had to learn the basics and then we were allowed to try and stand up. I did it first try because I sometimes go surfing on the weekends and today was different I had all of my friends except for Lucas :(  but it still was fun  for me and my friend Jerome. We made it past the breakers to just chill and that's how I spent the rest of my time at the beach today.

Have you ever been surfing at school?

Monday, February 10, 2020

This week at school.

This week at school has been AMAZING! I've done lots of cool work and activities. My favourite so far has been the handwriting in the morning and surfing. I have made 0 new friends because all of my friends are already here.

Have you had fun at school so far?