
Friday, July 31, 2020

Botanical Gardens Visit

Botanical Gardens, On Wednesday I went to the Botanical Gardens with 19 other people in my class. My favourite thing that learnt was that the biggest eagle was the Haast Eagle and the reason it became extinct was because the Māoris hunted them all because they had no communication through the country and they eventually died off.

Have you been to the Botanical Gardens before?

Friday, July 24, 2020

1 metre bike challenge

WALT: Estimate distance.

1 meter bike challenge

Description: I had to ride a bike for exactly 1 meter. I had to put a chalk marker under the front wheel of the bike and then tried to estimate 1 meter.

I used a ONE METER RULER to measure the distance between start to finish.

I rode the bike 151 cm.

This is 51 cm over my target.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

My William Pike Progress

                           These are my William Pike stats, I'm about to do my Community Service this week.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

MRSGREN-Living things


MRSGREN Great-white Shark

Movement: the great white moves by its massive tail and its fins and the side of the belly,  they also have a pretty big fin on top.                                      

Reproduction: Great whites reproduce by growing an egg in the mother's belly shortly the pup is born. Because of long gestation

Sensing: the great white can sense even a little blood up to 5 km away. Which is amazing

Growth: The great white are about 3.9ft when a baby and grow about 25cm 9.8 in each year.

Respiration: the great white breaths in oxygen and breaths out co2

Excretion:Sharks excrete through the same place they have sexual intercourse.

Nutrition: the great white eats seals and sea otters. 

Monday, July 20, 2020

Fast reaction time

WALT: read a ruler a accurately.
this is the experiment we did.

my scores were 21,17 and 16 cm
my best score was 16cm
my average score was: 18cm

so what we had to do was the other person held  ruler and then they dropped it when you unexpected it and you had to try and catch it with a pinch

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Matariki Google Slides

I have made this Matariki slide show showing what each star represents.

Should Matariki be a National Holiday?

Do you think Matariki should be a national holiday?

I think Matariki should be a national holiday because it is a time to celebrate those who have passed on which it may take some time to process but also it should be a national holiday because it is also a time to celebrate the Māori new year.

Facts About Eels

There are three types of eels in New Zealand, The Long-fin, Short-fin and the Spotted eel. Eels habitat is rivers that have nice hiding holes, Plants around bits of the river. You know those drains you see in the gutter in your street that goes into the rivers where the eels liver. To help stop pollution in the rivers maybe wash your car on your lawn or pick up your rubbish next time you drop it near a drain. So the eels can live happy in there rivers.

Have you see an eel before.