
Friday, October 30, 2020

16 Ways manners help the world go better

16 Ways manners help the world go better

1 When you say hello to someone its polite and they feel included
2 when you accidentally hurt someone its nice to say sorry so they don't feel that you purposely hurt them.
3 when you say please and thank you people feel that there appreciated more 
4 its respectful when you keep your hands to yourself 
5 if you make a mess you should pick it up so someone else has to do it
6 when you speak nice to other people around me it makes them feel happy and joyful
7 when other people around you its polite to speak quietly if there reading, working etc
8 when you compliment someone it makes them feel better about them selves and don't feel discouraged
10 bad language is not good for you because it makes you look unintelligent and other people around you don't like bad offensive language
11 kindness makes everyone around you feel better so make sure you use it when ever you can
when you burp its better if you say pardon me after you do but if you don't do it people will think your disgusting
12 accept your own mistakes, take the blame if it gets one of your friends in trouble
13 be honest if you lie about something it takes a very long time for someone to trust you again if you don't tell them
14 try and see the funny side of things when stuff goes wrong it helps everyone that it was stupid what you were doing and you should forgive each other
15 when someone does something really nice for you do something for them so they feel better about themselves 
16 when your nice to people like your teachers them will take you outside for sports or do fun things but if you don't they will feel like why should i take them outside for a game because they haven't been nice to me


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Geometry Maths

 This is my rectangle that i made on a 3d geometry drawing tool for geometry in Maths for this term, it took me about 10 minutes and me and my friends also made an origami moving thing.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

My Tangram

  These are my tangram pictures, i had to rotate the pictures perfectly so they would fit into place and after i had put all the pieces in place  it would make a picture.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Sailing On Monday

 On Monday the year 7's in our class went Sailing at Lake Rua on a boats called Optimums's. First we had to learn how to set up the boat. me, Jerome , Bronson and Jayden set the sail boat up first try with no mistakes but by the time me and Jerome and Bronson  finished setting up the boat with jayden watching us   it was time for morning tea. after we had morning tea we had to learn how to use the sail boat and then we would be able to take our boats out on the water. we got to go out on the water for about an hour and then some of the people went for a swim but out of my friend group me and Jerome only went for a swim and then we had to go back to school.

Have you been sailing before?

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Athletics practice

 This week at school we had athletics practice. I done long jump and sprints with my friends. it was just practice so i didn't know how long i got but i got around the same as my friend Jerome. tomorrow i will be doing high jump and shot put.

have you done Athletics practice at school in the first week?