
Thursday, November 19, 2020

Tabloid sports

On Wednesday i went to tabloid sports at SBHS with the year 3s and 4s. it was quite boring but i think the little kids enjoyed it. me and my friend paddy went there for about 3 hours and were bored out of our minds mostly because there was a 45 MINUTE BREAK! and we didn't even get to kick a ball around which really sucked. in some of the activities we got to join in but that was only when people went to the toilet.


3d shapes

Maths sheet 100 questions

 Today on our 100 Maths questions sheet i got 87 out of 100 and finished in 5:35 which is slowly meeting my goal. next week i am going to try to get more accurate then what i was this week and still keep a time around the 5 minute mark. by the end of the year i wish to be able to finish in under 5 minutes and get 90 questions at least.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Maths sheet 100 questions

Today we done are 100 questions that we do every Wednesday and this week i got 84 out of 100 which is more accurate than last week when i was going for speed. my goal that i set myself was to get ore accurate in my 100 questions and i met that goal which i am happy with and i will keep working on it for the next 3 or so weeks. 

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

My results on math practice sheet

 In the division sheet i only got like 20 right because we haven't done the practice sheet in a while and i was trying to get under 10 minutes which didn't help. on the multiplication sheet i got like 80 out of 100 which is like 10 less than what i used to get but i got 6:05s which i quite fast because that we haven't done the sheet in like 4 weeks. my goal next week is to get the same time but more accurate than this week.

 Have you done one of these math sheets before

What To Say To The Yr7s Coming Into Tangaroa

 Next year there will be some new students coming to Tangaroa about 20 of them and they will all be yr7s. Our teachers would like us to look after them and to show them what to do and stuff so heres the things that i am going to show them what to do. I am going to tell them how to look after their Chromebooks and that they shouldn't pick of the keys because that will be a lot of money that their parents will have to pay. They will also have to look after the furniture in our class because this year someone scraped a couch in the class but they never found out who did it so the school had to pay to repair the couch and it was $175. I will tell them that they will have to be ready before every block and be at class on time so it doesn't slow down the whole class. I will tell them that in eating time that they will need to be using inside voices not screaming across the room. I hope next year that  the yr7s will have fun in our class and love learning in our studio.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020


 On Monday The year 4s Up to 8s done Athletics. Our group was the yr7 boys and yr8 boys. The fist thing we did was middle distance, We had to do one lap around the bike track but we started at the garden which would add up to 1200 meters. After we had finished the race we got to play in the playground for 20 minutes and then we would be moving on to discus with our teacher Nogo. all the year 8s went before us so we had to wait until it was our turn, After we had waited about 10 minutes we got to have our first turn. On my first throw i got 18.2 meters but i stepped over the line so i was quite annoyed at myself. After everyone had their turn i got called up to have another go and i got 17.8 meters which wasn't enough to make it to zones because the top thorough was Rhycos with 30 meters which wasn't even a competition. Then we had a break and some lunch which was great because i was starving and it was quite hot outside. After we had some food we were ready to go to Shot put, i only got 4 meters because i have little wimpy arms and the shot put was 3 kg. After everyone had a through there wasn't enough time to have a second throw so we would be moving on to high jump but that would be after the second break. We had some more food and then moved on to high jump. I couldn't even make it over 1.15 which was the fist jump because i rolled my ankle at break but somehow Jayden jump 1.30 which was enough to win high jump. Then we would be moving on to my favorite long jump, My first jump i got 3 meters and 95 centimetres which was one of the best at the time before Jayden jumped and got 4.14 and josh getting 4.27, my second jump would of been like a 4.25 but my foot just went over the line by like a millimetre so i was really bummed about that. We would be moving on to sprints next which i already new who was going to win. I made it to the finals and got smashed by everyone and came 4th and josh coming first exactly who i thought was going to win. The teacher vs Student relay everyone beat the teachers because Mr Redmond was going first which was not a good idea. Then it would be time to go home and relax.