
Tuesday, March 30, 2021


 On Monday we went to the town hall to watch a performance, the performance was alright but i still enjoyed it. we also done some activity's at Victoria square. we done some activity's like designing our own version of the captain cook statue and designing our own Maori patterns. out of the whole day my favorite thing was doing the activity's at Victoria square.

have you ever been to Victoria square?

Friday, March 26, 2021

Math pictograph

today in maths we learnt how to make a pictograph 

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Graphs for math

 Today we learnt to make a graph on google sheets

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Surf school

 Today we went to surf school at Sumner to learn some new surfing skills. it was really run an di really enjoyed the surf lesson.the only downside about the trip was that the boards had no was on them and they only had the tiniest grip in the world. the trip would of been way more fun if i could catch the waves but it was still fun sitting out the back talking to my friends.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021


 Today we walked down to the Christchurch school of gymnastics to do a gymnastics coarse which was really fun in most ways. my most favorite thing we done was the foam pit because the guy told us that we could do flips next week but this week we just done some easy things like 360s and some other things. the hardest thing would of been the circle thingy that we had to go upside down and hold it for 10 seconds but it got easier the more i did it.  before we new it the session was over and we had to go back to school.

Have you ever been to the Christchurch school of gymnastics?

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Choice and challenge

 This week at choice and challenge all the kids tried to beat us up which wasn't fun at all. but there was this really bad kid that kept running away and hitting me and kicking me which was really annoying and then the kid ran over to josh and punched him in the face. after that the kid ran back to class which was a relief so me and josh bot talked to each other and we both said why do we do this and we both said i don't know. now were questioning not doing choice and challenge anymore.

Would you do choice and challenge?