
Monday, May 31, 2021

Weather in Samoan

Today we have been learning  Samoan words. this is my DLO of the weather, we are learning Samoan because its Samoan language week.

Thursday, May 27, 2021


 today at tech it was really boring and i didn't enjoy it at all, usually i don't like tech anyway because of the class' i have and the teachers don't help us with anything, we don't even learn anything i would rather stay at school and do work here. but the thing is i like the cooking class' but i don't like any of the other class' so i cant leave tech.

Monday, May 24, 2021

maths times table grid

today in maths we done a times table grid here are my results the ones in green are the ones that i know

Friday, May 21, 2021

Friday, May 14, 2021


In fitness this week we done follow the leader but with mr redmond in the front, we ran for about 10 minutes and i really enjoy it and i hope we do it again. last week we had the beep test which was also really fun, overall i enjoyed fitness and in the future would like to do a beep test again.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021


Today in math's we learnt stats and made a stem and leaf graph. First we started of doing some stats work on our computer, from the data given we constructed a histogram which looks different from a bar graph and then we went on to doing the stem and leaf, we had to work out the median and the range which didn't take long but overall I learnt quite a lot.

Thursday, May 6, 2021


 Today at tech me and my group had our new rotations of what we do in tech for a term, today we got sowing and robotics. first up we had sowing, this term we were told that we are making a pair of shorts. i was kinda annoyed because our teacher said that we would be making a beanie so yea. second up we had the robotics group, we got to program a lego mindstorms  robot. we had to make it go around a circuit and if it wasnt perfect you would have to go re-program our robot. overall tech was alright and i had a good rest of my day.