
Friday, September 21, 2018

The ice carver

This week we have been learning to write with six sentences

Once there was a lonely guy called Jeez and out of  the ordinary he disappeared into Icy woods. He used to live in Travis Wet woods in a house of of snow. His favorite thing  to do was making animal ice sculptures. But his problem was it was coming into spring and his ice sculptures were going to melt. He felt his amazing talent was going to end.   He thought for a minute and he released he had his carving skills he was going to ask his dad who gave him his carving skills and ask for weather skills as well so his carvings wouldn't melt so he changed the weather and lived happily for the rest of his life ice carving.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

The mysterious street

This week i have been learning to use describing words and learning about settings

I look down to my soaking wet shoes as the musky repulsive air tingles up my nose. The tears streaking down the window as I see a crystal clear image of me. The cold brick road feels like Antarctica as my hands get icier. As the rain drips down onto my jacket I look at the guy in the gutter I feel as hungry as him. He is drinking beer and singing while hes drunk I feel sorry for that guy. The street lights are so dim I can hardly see the shops in the distance. Everyone on the dark street is happy in the warmth but me I feel like i'm going to freeze to death. My teeth are chattering so hard it feels like my jaw is going to fall out of my mouth like Grandma’s teeth. There are puddles of water turning into ice as I walk away into the distance.