
Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Ski Trip

On Tuesday we went to Porter heights Ski field. it took us 1 hour and 30 minutes to get there. when we got there i had to get changed into my ski gear and go get boots that fitted me. then i had to try and get the boots on it took about 5 times to get them on but eventuality i got them on. we then headed to the ski field with our instructor. i spent the whole day rolling down the mountain but i guess it was still fun.

Have you been skiing before?

Friday, September 11, 2020

Native Birds inquiry

                                                Drop in kererū sightings no cause for alarm | RNZ News

                                                           This is the Kereru

This week In inquiry we have been learning  some birds that are around Christchurch the ones we have learnt is the bell-bird ,Piwakawaka ,Tui ,Kereru and the Tauhou i have learnt all the thing they eat and what there favorite thing to do is. my favorite is the Kereru because it looks really cool.

The Dawn Raids of the 1970's

This week in literacy we are learning about the dawn raids in the 1970's. In the 1970's the government decided that the people in New Zealand that were visiting on immigration had to go back to there country's after the economy dropped. One morning you would see your friend that you walked to school with the next morning they wouldn't be there because they got chucked in the paddy wagon and got taken away to get deported back to their country's. The reason they were called the "Dawn Raids" is because they would take them away in the early mornings. The Polynesian panthers were the people that wanted to fight against this choice of the New Zealand Government. its was not only Polynesian people that got targeted, The people from lots of other country' that had overstayed got deported too.

Have you herd about the dawn raids

Friday, September 4, 2020

Referendum 2020

 This Week In Literacy we have learnt about the 2020 Referendum

Cannabis Choice

 My opinion on the 2020 Referendum is that they should legalize cannabis so the cops can worry on more deadly drugs and crimes instead of worrying about a less deadly drug to something like Methamphetamine.

End of life Choice

 For the Second Choice of the Referendum I think that you should be able to die in peace   because why should people with something like brain cancer have to suffer until they die or they could say there goodbyes to all the people they love and die peacefully. But if they didn't want to get euthanized any more how would we now that they still wanted to get euthanized, so i think before they get really sick and they had just found out there illness maybe a family member has to ask again and then go to the doctor to see if they approve of there decision.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

1981 Spirngbok Tour

This week in literacy we have been learning about the 1981 springbok tour 

Questions :

Where was it? Why was it important to some? Should sport and politics be mixed? What is your opinion about why they were protesting?

My Answers And opinion:

The whole springbok tour 1981 was in New Zealand and the flour bomb test was at Eden park in Auckland. I think the reason to some people it was so important was because half of the country wanted the springbok tour to go ahead and the other half didn't so the government chose for it to go ahead. I don't think politics and sport should be mixed because when the 1981 springbok tour happen it got too chaotic and I wouldn't want more political things to get mixed with sport, or use sport as an advantage to show there protest. 

I agree with what they were protesting about because I hate racism and i hate people that are racist to other countries and people just because they look different to them.