
Friday, September 4, 2020

Referendum 2020

 This Week In Literacy we have learnt about the 2020 Referendum

Cannabis Choice

 My opinion on the 2020 Referendum is that they should legalize cannabis so the cops can worry on more deadly drugs and crimes instead of worrying about a less deadly drug to something like Methamphetamine.

End of life Choice

 For the Second Choice of the Referendum I think that you should be able to die in peace   because why should people with something like brain cancer have to suffer until they die or they could say there goodbyes to all the people they love and die peacefully. But if they didn't want to get euthanized any more how would we now that they still wanted to get euthanized, so i think before they get really sick and they had just found out there illness maybe a family member has to ask again and then go to the doctor to see if they approve of there decision.

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