
Thursday, July 29, 2021

Science thing

This week we have been doing some science about space and we made a model of the Earth that showcases how night and day work.  Here it is.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Last tech day for the boring subjects

     today we finally finished going to the boring classes at tech and next term we get to go to the better classes , today in sewing we made a t-shirt and we got to put whatever design we wanted on them , i put a single turbo on mine and same with my friends. then we went to the robotics class and done the same thing we do every other week which is build the same robot and program in around the track , but every time we go up to test apparently there is something wrong with the bit that we have changed the last five times. so i think he is just trying to make us do the work when its actually already finished.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Quick Write

 Quick write (not edited)

wow , this beach was amazing. It had massive rocks that you could climb and a massive rainbow going over the whole beach . the water was boiling warm but the nice cold southerly breeze was so nice on this warm summers day.  I was in the water swimming when i saw a fin pop out of the water , i was scared and worried. I got out of the water and climbed on a rock to see if it was still there but it was gone, i waited 10 minutes just to be sure that it wouldn't be there but just as i was about to get back in it popped up again. So i went to get something to eat and came back in a hour and the shark or whatever it was had left so i grabbed my surf board from the car and went back in to catch a wave. What a experience this was the barrels going over my head that were as clear as glass and going so fast under this wave was so cool. Then i had the great feeling of coming out of the end of the this wave. After i surfed for a couple hours i was tired and went back home.