
Thursday, July 1, 2021

Quick Write

 Quick write (not edited)

wow , this beach was amazing. It had massive rocks that you could climb and a massive rainbow going over the whole beach . the water was boiling warm but the nice cold southerly breeze was so nice on this warm summers day.  I was in the water swimming when i saw a fin pop out of the water , i was scared and worried. I got out of the water and climbed on a rock to see if it was still there but it was gone, i waited 10 minutes just to be sure that it wouldn't be there but just as i was about to get back in it popped up again. So i went to get something to eat and came back in a hour and the shark or whatever it was had left so i grabbed my surf board from the car and went back in to catch a wave. What a experience this was the barrels going over my head that were as clear as glass and going so fast under this wave was so cool. Then i had the great feeling of coming out of the end of the this wave. After i surfed for a couple hours i was tired and went back home.

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