
Monday, December 7, 2020


 Today In Maths we made some shapes that fit into each other to make a tessellation and i think I made some cool tessellations

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Tabloid sports

On Wednesday i went to tabloid sports at SBHS with the year 3s and 4s. it was quite boring but i think the little kids enjoyed it. me and my friend paddy went there for about 3 hours and were bored out of our minds mostly because there was a 45 MINUTE BREAK! and we didn't even get to kick a ball around which really sucked. in some of the activities we got to join in but that was only when people went to the toilet.


3d shapes

Maths sheet 100 questions

 Today on our 100 Maths questions sheet i got 87 out of 100 and finished in 5:35 which is slowly meeting my goal. next week i am going to try to get more accurate then what i was this week and still keep a time around the 5 minute mark. by the end of the year i wish to be able to finish in under 5 minutes and get 90 questions at least.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Maths sheet 100 questions

Today we done are 100 questions that we do every Wednesday and this week i got 84 out of 100 which is more accurate than last week when i was going for speed. my goal that i set myself was to get ore accurate in my 100 questions and i met that goal which i am happy with and i will keep working on it for the next 3 or so weeks. 

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

My results on math practice sheet

 In the division sheet i only got like 20 right because we haven't done the practice sheet in a while and i was trying to get under 10 minutes which didn't help. on the multiplication sheet i got like 80 out of 100 which is like 10 less than what i used to get but i got 6:05s which i quite fast because that we haven't done the sheet in like 4 weeks. my goal next week is to get the same time but more accurate than this week.

 Have you done one of these math sheets before

What To Say To The Yr7s Coming Into Tangaroa

 Next year there will be some new students coming to Tangaroa about 20 of them and they will all be yr7s. Our teachers would like us to look after them and to show them what to do and stuff so heres the things that i am going to show them what to do. I am going to tell them how to look after their Chromebooks and that they shouldn't pick of the keys because that will be a lot of money that their parents will have to pay. They will also have to look after the furniture in our class because this year someone scraped a couch in the class but they never found out who did it so the school had to pay to repair the couch and it was $175. I will tell them that they will have to be ready before every block and be at class on time so it doesn't slow down the whole class. I will tell them that in eating time that they will need to be using inside voices not screaming across the room. I hope next year that  the yr7s will have fun in our class and love learning in our studio.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020


 On Monday The year 4s Up to 8s done Athletics. Our group was the yr7 boys and yr8 boys. The fist thing we did was middle distance, We had to do one lap around the bike track but we started at the garden which would add up to 1200 meters. After we had finished the race we got to play in the playground for 20 minutes and then we would be moving on to discus with our teacher Nogo. all the year 8s went before us so we had to wait until it was our turn, After we had waited about 10 minutes we got to have our first turn. On my first throw i got 18.2 meters but i stepped over the line so i was quite annoyed at myself. After everyone had their turn i got called up to have another go and i got 17.8 meters which wasn't enough to make it to zones because the top thorough was Rhycos with 30 meters which wasn't even a competition. Then we had a break and some lunch which was great because i was starving and it was quite hot outside. After we had some food we were ready to go to Shot put, i only got 4 meters because i have little wimpy arms and the shot put was 3 kg. After everyone had a through there wasn't enough time to have a second throw so we would be moving on to high jump but that would be after the second break. We had some more food and then moved on to high jump. I couldn't even make it over 1.15 which was the fist jump because i rolled my ankle at break but somehow Jayden jump 1.30 which was enough to win high jump. Then we would be moving on to my favorite long jump, My first jump i got 3 meters and 95 centimetres which was one of the best at the time before Jayden jumped and got 4.14 and josh getting 4.27, my second jump would of been like a 4.25 but my foot just went over the line by like a millimetre so i was really bummed about that. We would be moving on to sprints next which i already new who was going to win. I made it to the finals and got smashed by everyone and came 4th and josh coming first exactly who i thought was going to win. The teacher vs Student relay everyone beat the teachers because Mr Redmond was going first which was not a good idea. Then it would be time to go home and relax.

Friday, October 30, 2020

16 Ways manners help the world go better

16 Ways manners help the world go better

1 When you say hello to someone its polite and they feel included
2 when you accidentally hurt someone its nice to say sorry so they don't feel that you purposely hurt them.
3 when you say please and thank you people feel that there appreciated more 
4 its respectful when you keep your hands to yourself 
5 if you make a mess you should pick it up so someone else has to do it
6 when you speak nice to other people around me it makes them feel happy and joyful
7 when other people around you its polite to speak quietly if there reading, working etc
8 when you compliment someone it makes them feel better about them selves and don't feel discouraged
10 bad language is not good for you because it makes you look unintelligent and other people around you don't like bad offensive language
11 kindness makes everyone around you feel better so make sure you use it when ever you can
when you burp its better if you say pardon me after you do but if you don't do it people will think your disgusting
12 accept your own mistakes, take the blame if it gets one of your friends in trouble
13 be honest if you lie about something it takes a very long time for someone to trust you again if you don't tell them
14 try and see the funny side of things when stuff goes wrong it helps everyone that it was stupid what you were doing and you should forgive each other
15 when someone does something really nice for you do something for them so they feel better about themselves 
16 when your nice to people like your teachers them will take you outside for sports or do fun things but if you don't they will feel like why should i take them outside for a game because they haven't been nice to me


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Geometry Maths

 This is my rectangle that i made on a 3d geometry drawing tool for geometry in Maths for this term, it took me about 10 minutes and me and my friends also made an origami moving thing.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

My Tangram

  These are my tangram pictures, i had to rotate the pictures perfectly so they would fit into place and after i had put all the pieces in place  it would make a picture.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Sailing On Monday

 On Monday the year 7's in our class went Sailing at Lake Rua on a boats called Optimums's. First we had to learn how to set up the boat. me, Jerome , Bronson and Jayden set the sail boat up first try with no mistakes but by the time me and Jerome and Bronson  finished setting up the boat with jayden watching us   it was time for morning tea. after we had morning tea we had to learn how to use the sail boat and then we would be able to take our boats out on the water. we got to go out on the water for about an hour and then some of the people went for a swim but out of my friend group me and Jerome only went for a swim and then we had to go back to school.

Have you been sailing before?

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Athletics practice

 This week at school we had athletics practice. I done long jump and sprints with my friends. it was just practice so i didn't know how long i got but i got around the same as my friend Jerome. tomorrow i will be doing high jump and shot put.

have you done Athletics practice at school in the first week?

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Ski Trip

On Tuesday we went to Porter heights Ski field. it took us 1 hour and 30 minutes to get there. when we got there i had to get changed into my ski gear and go get boots that fitted me. then i had to try and get the boots on it took about 5 times to get them on but eventuality i got them on. we then headed to the ski field with our instructor. i spent the whole day rolling down the mountain but i guess it was still fun.

Have you been skiing before?

Friday, September 11, 2020

Native Birds inquiry

                                                Drop in kererū sightings no cause for alarm | RNZ News

                                                           This is the Kereru

This week In inquiry we have been learning  some birds that are around Christchurch the ones we have learnt is the bell-bird ,Piwakawaka ,Tui ,Kereru and the Tauhou i have learnt all the thing they eat and what there favorite thing to do is. my favorite is the Kereru because it looks really cool.

The Dawn Raids of the 1970's

This week in literacy we are learning about the dawn raids in the 1970's. In the 1970's the government decided that the people in New Zealand that were visiting on immigration had to go back to there country's after the economy dropped. One morning you would see your friend that you walked to school with the next morning they wouldn't be there because they got chucked in the paddy wagon and got taken away to get deported back to their country's. The reason they were called the "Dawn Raids" is because they would take them away in the early mornings. The Polynesian panthers were the people that wanted to fight against this choice of the New Zealand Government. its was not only Polynesian people that got targeted, The people from lots of other country' that had overstayed got deported too.

Have you herd about the dawn raids

Friday, September 4, 2020

Referendum 2020

 This Week In Literacy we have learnt about the 2020 Referendum

Cannabis Choice

 My opinion on the 2020 Referendum is that they should legalize cannabis so the cops can worry on more deadly drugs and crimes instead of worrying about a less deadly drug to something like Methamphetamine.

End of life Choice

 For the Second Choice of the Referendum I think that you should be able to die in peace   because why should people with something like brain cancer have to suffer until they die or they could say there goodbyes to all the people they love and die peacefully. But if they didn't want to get euthanized any more how would we now that they still wanted to get euthanized, so i think before they get really sick and they had just found out there illness maybe a family member has to ask again and then go to the doctor to see if they approve of there decision.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

1981 Spirngbok Tour

This week in literacy we have been learning about the 1981 springbok tour 

Questions :

Where was it? Why was it important to some? Should sport and politics be mixed? What is your opinion about why they were protesting?

My Answers And opinion:

The whole springbok tour 1981 was in New Zealand and the flour bomb test was at Eden park in Auckland. I think the reason to some people it was so important was because half of the country wanted the springbok tour to go ahead and the other half didn't so the government chose for it to go ahead. I don't think politics and sport should be mixed because when the 1981 springbok tour happen it got too chaotic and I wouldn't want more political things to get mixed with sport, or use sport as an advantage to show there protest. 

I agree with what they were protesting about because I hate racism and i hate people that are racist to other countries and people just because they look different to them.

Monday, August 31, 2020

Tommie smith and John Carlos

 this week in literacy we are learning about the 1968 Olympics and Tommie Smith And John Carlos raised there hand for a protest against racism. it so far it has been quiet a bit of controversy because they used a sports event for a political protest. 

have you herd of Tommie Smith and John Carlos

Friday, August 28, 2020

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Maths today

Today for Maths we did 100 questions that we do once  a week. Today I got 3min and 50 secs and got 98 questions right. Then I went on Sumdog which is a math game to help you practise what you are doing in maths ieach week and improves my Maths skills,  Sumdog can also improve your spelling skills and I enjoy playing it.

Have you ever been on Sumdog before?

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Day 1 journal

 This is my idea for a company, the reason i choose wings was because my friend Jerome is doing his own     hot sauce. check out his logo 👉

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

How to make a paper plane

             This is my instructional video on making a paper plane for literacy 

Monday, August 3, 2020

Photosynthesis for Inquiry

                                  This is my drawing on how photosynthesis works

Friday, July 31, 2020

Botanical Gardens Visit

Botanical Gardens, On Wednesday I went to the Botanical Gardens with 19 other people in my class. My favourite thing that learnt was that the biggest eagle was the Haast Eagle and the reason it became extinct was because the Māoris hunted them all because they had no communication through the country and they eventually died off.

Have you been to the Botanical Gardens before?

Friday, July 24, 2020

1 metre bike challenge

WALT: Estimate distance.

1 meter bike challenge

Description: I had to ride a bike for exactly 1 meter. I had to put a chalk marker under the front wheel of the bike and then tried to estimate 1 meter.

I used a ONE METER RULER to measure the distance between start to finish.

I rode the bike 151 cm.

This is 51 cm over my target.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

My William Pike Progress

                           These are my William Pike stats, I'm about to do my Community Service this week.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

MRSGREN-Living things


MRSGREN Great-white Shark

Movement: the great white moves by its massive tail and its fins and the side of the belly,  they also have a pretty big fin on top.                                      

Reproduction: Great whites reproduce by growing an egg in the mother's belly shortly the pup is born. Because of long gestation

Sensing: the great white can sense even a little blood up to 5 km away. Which is amazing

Growth: The great white are about 3.9ft when a baby and grow about 25cm 9.8 in each year.

Respiration: the great white breaths in oxygen and breaths out co2

Excretion:Sharks excrete through the same place they have sexual intercourse.

Nutrition: the great white eats seals and sea otters. 

Monday, July 20, 2020

Fast reaction time

WALT: read a ruler a accurately.
this is the experiment we did.

my scores were 21,17 and 16 cm
my best score was 16cm
my average score was: 18cm

so what we had to do was the other person held  ruler and then they dropped it when you unexpected it and you had to try and catch it with a pinch

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Matariki Google Slides

I have made this Matariki slide show showing what each star represents.

Should Matariki be a National Holiday?

Do you think Matariki should be a national holiday?

I think Matariki should be a national holiday because it is a time to celebrate those who have passed on which it may take some time to process but also it should be a national holiday because it is also a time to celebrate the Māori new year.

Facts About Eels

There are three types of eels in New Zealand, The Long-fin, Short-fin and the Spotted eel. Eels habitat is rivers that have nice hiding holes, Plants around bits of the river. You know those drains you see in the gutter in your street that goes into the rivers where the eels liver. To help stop pollution in the rivers maybe wash your car on your lawn or pick up your rubbish next time you drop it near a drain. So the eels can live happy in there rivers.

Have you see an eel before.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020


Matariki is time to celebrate the Moari new year and to celebrate those who have passed. there is fireworks and nice soup with bread rolls this is just one example of what happens at Matariki.

does your family celebrate Matariki 

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

My community service

for my community service i am going to paint some graffiti-ed  planter boxes that had been tagged during the lock-down and i am going to make a planter boxes with herbs that anyone can take for cooking or what every they want it for.

have you done anything like this before


 Maramataka A calendar is a system of organizing days for social, religious, commercial or administrative purposes. This is done by giving names to periods of time, typically days, weeks, months and years. A date is the designation of a single, specific day within such a system. i have learnt that when the matariki stars come out and there quite fascinating .

do you know about matariki

Friday, June 19, 2020


over the time ive been gardening i have learnt how to use a hammer correct. when i first used a hammer i thought that it was about how hard you hit the nail but if you just let the hammer do its thing it will work better

have you done gardening before

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Wednesday, June 3, 2020


today in math 100 questions i got 99 witch is worse than last term but i think ill get better


This week in reading we have learnt about main idea/topics with supporting details. I have learnt that main idea is always the first sentence. I have to look more into the first sentence for words that will give me clue to find the supporting details.

We have written our stories like this.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

William Pike

I think I might do the William pike challenge.

Have you done the William pike challenge

Monday, May 25, 2020

This is how to round numbers

Garden to Table

On Wednesday we made noodles with Bok Choy from our garden at school. To remove the Bok Choy out of the ground we had to pull the oldest ones out first and wash them so there was no bugs or dirt on them. then we went inside the classroom and Mr Redmond showed us how to cut the Bok Choy, so I started to cut my Bok Choy, I put it into the bowl to put in the noodles. then the fun part we got to cook the noodles and eat them, I wasn't really sure about the Bok Choy with the noodles but i liked it and i would eat it again. its just like cabbage but its sweeter and little bit juicer maybe you should try it out some time.

Have you ate Bok Choy before?

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Tech Today

Today at Tech
 Today at Linwood technology I done Mechatronics. If you are wondering what Mechatronics is it's a mix between Metals and robotics. This week was Metals and we made a whistle out of sheet metal.Today we had a new teacher called Mrs.Donaldson you-sally we have Mrs.b but she was sick today.first of we got two bits of sheet metal and sanded them down because they were really sharp because it was scrap metal. Then we had to find the right measurements and bend the metal. then we just had to put  the metal together and fold them. now for testing the fist five minutes I was trying to find  out how to use it but then I got it, it was defining i said WOW! there so loud and then my friend Bronson got his even louder than mine and that was my day at tech this week. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Maths Today

                              Maths Today
Today in maths we did our multiplication warm up of 100 questions. I did mine in 9:09 minutes the rest of the group mostly done it in 5:00. My friend Rhycos done his in like 3:00! once i finished I looked at my watch and it was 10:40 that's when my guitar lesson is I just ran out the door and sed to the teacher as I was running got to go to my guitar lesson but i'm not sure she heard me anyway that was maths today it was a short lesson because I had guitar. 

do you like maths? 

Friday, February 21, 2020

Tyre Running

                                                               Tyre Running
  Yesterday i went tyre running. what is tyre running you ask its when you have to run a lap of the back field of your school carrying a tyre. Our team came fourth but the team that came first cheated. you guys should really try this game out tell your teachers!

Have you guys done a Tyre run?

Thursday, February 20, 2020

this week at surfing

this week at surfing i got to go to both days, wednesday was the most fun because the waves were perfect but none of my friends were there that was one of the advantages of the friday group. the rest of the day was pretty much the same as last week so go check that storie out below.

do you go surfing at school?

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Swimming Today


Today I did Swimming at our School Pool. First we had to help Mr Redmond untangle the lane ropes and chuck them in the pool. Then we get to the fun bit! the lengths, our group had to do 8 lengths and then we got free time everyone else had to do 4 or 2 lengths. I finished in about 5 minutes so I could get free time quicker. So after I done my lengths I went to my free time pretty much 10 minutes after that we had to go back to the class room and that was my morning at our school pool.

Do you have a pool at your school?

Friday, February 14, 2020

More Zumba

                    hears some more Zumba

Zumba Friday

Zumba Friday
This is Zumba we do it every Friday i don't really like it at all but it looked like all the other kids had fun.

Have You ever done Zumba?

The First Day Of Technology

                       The First Day of Tech

Today we went to Linwood College for Technology. I was in Foods and Robotics, For food we had to make a Wrap I put ham,cheese,lettuce,Mayo,cucumber and carrot. The first step was to learn about keeping our hands clean and hygiene,then I had to get our ingredients and put them on the tortilla then I had to roll my wrap up and cut it in half i didn't really want to cut it half but we had too. After that we just had to clean up our bench and then we went out for a break. After the break i moved on too Mechatronics but we didn't get to do anything because two kids in our class kept talking we the teacher was and gave someone in our class a really bad headache and had to go home. not long after that we had to head back to school and that was my day at Linwood College Technology.

Does Your School Go Too Technology?

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

My Surfing Experience

Today I went surfing with Mr Redmond my teacher, but first we had to learn the basics and then we were allowed to try and stand up. I did it first try because I sometimes go surfing on the weekends and today was different I had all of my friends except for Lucas :(  but it still was fun  for me and my friend Jerome. We made it past the breakers to just chill and that's how I spent the rest of my time at the beach today.

Have you ever been surfing at school?

Monday, February 10, 2020

This week at school.

This week at school has been AMAZING! I've done lots of cool work and activities. My favourite so far has been the handwriting in the morning and surfing. I have made 0 new friends because all of my friends are already here.

Have you had fun at school so far?