
Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Art work (complete)


over the last 2 days i have drawing this map of nz and marking the places i like / belong or had a lot of fun in, the blurb on the art work says "this art work shows were i think i belong because i was born here, the people here make me feel like i belong". i hope i like it,

Monday, December 6, 2021


 over this term we have been doing art that shows were we belong, mine is a map of NZ which shows were i think i belong, i hope you like it.

Friday, December 3, 2021



this week in maths we have been learning to use compass' and protractors and creating drawings like this, this was my favorite one i done. im looking forward to making more drawings and getting them more accurate.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Maths- Ratio

Today in maths we counted the staff cars and their colours these are the stats.

Ratio 12:7:7:15:3 The ratio order of sequence is very important as you write them in the order you were given. 

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

te reo maori

 today we have been practicing our te reo by doing dictation , vocab and  our mihi, this is my work

What is your name - ko wai toku ingoa

No hea koe?

Maori name for chch - Otautahi 

Rongo ma tane


Haumia tiki tiki 

Tane mahuta 



Wellington poneke te whanganui a tara 

Auckland tamaki makaurau

Rahina ratu rapare ramere rahoroi ratapu 

Tahi rua toru wha rima ono whetu warau iwa  tekau

Tekau ma tahi……

Rua tekau ma tahi…..

Toru tekau ma tahi……

Wha tekau ma tahi…

Rima teka ma tahi……

Tena koutou 

Ko angus toku ingoa

Tena koutou

No otautahi ahau

Tekaua ma rua oko tau 

Kei te haere au kei te kura o rawhiti 

Harere ra

Tena koutou

Thursday, October 21, 2021



I was self-managing when I was tiding the room up without being told. I did this because I realized that it was dirty and a couple of the beds were messy, so I tidied them just in case we had a room inspection. It didn't take long but it was worth it because we did end up having a room inspection.


I was engaged in all of the activities by helping out with activities like orienteering and the search and rescue and all of the other activities. I think the one that I most help out with was the orienteering because I found most of the number things that we had to find. I would say that the second most thing that I helped with would be the fire shelter building because I was one of the people with the most sticks.


I was being resourceful by showing one of the people that was struggling with doing a knot to make the raft because they were doing it wrong. I showed them how to do it and it worked, I also was resourceful in the orienteering by showing different paths to try and find the numbers.


I was belonging by being with friends that made me feel included, having people to help me, and a lot more but overall I felt I belonged on camp.

our science

Science Research 


We have been researching how to transport people on Mars to different locations and how we would survive on Mars.  We think that on Mars we need to adapt our vehicles to cope with different gravity, difficulty obtaining fuel, and no roads.

We need to have a heavier car so that we can stay on mars but a light enough car so its not too slow. We could solar panel our car so it doesn't need fuel. We will need new wheels suitable for mars so heavy terrain.

This is what we have done so far...

Where I got my  research from



Nasa - what makes a planet habitable


Needs - water,

Definition “...can sustain life for a significant period of time…”

Fortnite officially cooperates with Ferrari. The new car is in the game  tomorrow -

This is our rocket ship to go to mars. To travel to space we need to have a hard shell so it can handle the atmospheric pull.The mars rover needs all these components below to work and why it is on mars. Curiosity's wheels have a 20-inch (50.8 cm) diameter. Engineers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory designed the rover to roll over obstacles up to 25 inches (65 centimeters) high and to travel about 660 feet (200 m) per day on land. Our Ferrari will go 1000kph on land. We will take a jet engine and will be bolted in with titanium bolts. To get these items we will need 19.7 billion NZ dollars. We will also need 20 million gallons of water, 1 million kgs of soil, 1 trillion tree seeds, 1000 auto seed growing machines (Needs to be made), 1000 monkeys so we can see if we can breathe. 1000 solar panels Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird engine (the fastest plane on earth). We will need wheels that can withstand rocky surfaces and big hills.

How the mars rover got to mars link

This is also our rocketship our ferrari will go to mars in. 

Thursday, September 30, 2021


today in tech\we done what we always do and as usual it was boring. in the first class cooking we made calzone for the second week in a row but this week i made mine spicier than last week, then we had electronics and we finished our light.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021


  What question did you ask?

 How a Ferrari with a jet engine, lots of food, lots of water and lots of fuel can travel on mars.

What science we needed to know?

We needed to know engineering, design and planet surface.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Tech food

today at tech for food we made some bread sticks with cheese and herbs on them, i thought that making them was cool and i really enjoyed the process. when they came out of the oven they were a nice golden brown but as soon as you bit into it it was like biting into the softest bread you've ever had. i didn't really like it so i gave my bits to the teachers, otherwise today at tech was fun and i hope it will be the same as last week.

Monday, September 13, 2021


 i am going to work with thomas, josh and kaeden fro my science project which will be a model of a spaceship fro a planet that we could go to. we are going to make a car because we all have an intrest for cars.

Thursday, August 12, 2021


 For maths this week we have been learning how to read angles with a protractor and we have also been learning how to know what type of angle your looking at like if a angle is less than 90 degrees its called an acute angle or if a angle is more than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees its called an obtuse angle. Here is a website that we used to learn how to read a protractor :


 In science we are doing a slide about Sir Richard branson who recently went to space and after we finish doing our slide we are going to do a screencastify about it to explain our working, we had to show some facts that we found about him and then show the teacher. We haven't done much because we have only had 3 sessions so that's why we haven't done that much. i'm looking forward to finishing it and making our video.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Science thing

This week we have been doing some science about space and we made a model of the Earth that showcases how night and day work.  Here it is.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Last tech day for the boring subjects

     today we finally finished going to the boring classes at tech and next term we get to go to the better classes , today in sewing we made a t-shirt and we got to put whatever design we wanted on them , i put a single turbo on mine and same with my friends. then we went to the robotics class and done the same thing we do every other week which is build the same robot and program in around the track , but every time we go up to test apparently there is something wrong with the bit that we have changed the last five times. so i think he is just trying to make us do the work when its actually already finished.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Quick Write

 Quick write (not edited)

wow , this beach was amazing. It had massive rocks that you could climb and a massive rainbow going over the whole beach . the water was boiling warm but the nice cold southerly breeze was so nice on this warm summers day.  I was in the water swimming when i saw a fin pop out of the water , i was scared and worried. I got out of the water and climbed on a rock to see if it was still there but it was gone, i waited 10 minutes just to be sure that it wouldn't be there but just as i was about to get back in it popped up again. So i went to get something to eat and came back in a hour and the shark or whatever it was had left so i grabbed my surf board from the car and went back in to catch a wave. What a experience this was the barrels going over my head that were as clear as glass and going so fast under this wave was so cool. Then i had the great feeling of coming out of the end of the this wave. After i surfed for a couple hours i was tired and went back home.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

flax weaving Te ao moari

This week i done some flax weaving with Mr Redmond , first we had to find a video on how to flax weave the pattern we wanted , then we had to go get the flax from the bush's at the side of our classroom and cut the wax on a angle near the bottom of the flax. then we tried to follow the video but we couldn't figure out how the person done one of the folds so we went to Mr Redmond and he showed us how to do a simple way of making a flax weaving pattern. mine look so bad and i kept mucking it up in till it broke and then it was time for break.

Friday, June 18, 2021

Bob the builder heros journey thing

 today we made a heros journey template of bob the builder 

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Spencer park trip

Yesterday we ran to Spencer park , for some people it was extremely difficult because it was a 7km run. i had the job of putting up signs so the people behind us wouldn't get lost , i was also on a bike because i am injured  so i wasn't allowed to run there , at one point i think some of the people were going to drop to the ground like flies. when we got to Spencer park people were exhausted and drained out , most people were so happy to get a rest while our group were not that tired , Mr Redmond (our teacher) said ' right ' o boys go get a sausage everyone just started running of to the bbq. we were waiting in line and our stomachs we rumbling i was so hungry because by the time we got there it was like 12:30. after we scoffed our sausage's we went and played man hunt , there were these hedges that i hid up i lasted the whole game there. overall the Spencer park trip was really fun and i enjoyed it

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Te reo Maori

 Today in Te reo Maori we learnt farwell sayings like future sayings , past sayings and present sayings. we also done 10 blog comments on other studios blogs. 

these are some things we learnt 

I haere ahau/ au - i went / past

kei te haere ahau - i am going 

ka haere ahau - i will go 

Monday, May 31, 2021

Weather in Samoan

Today we have been learning  Samoan words. this is my DLO of the weather, we are learning Samoan because its Samoan language week.

Thursday, May 27, 2021


 today at tech it was really boring and i didn't enjoy it at all, usually i don't like tech anyway because of the class' i have and the teachers don't help us with anything, we don't even learn anything i would rather stay at school and do work here. but the thing is i like the cooking class' but i don't like any of the other class' so i cant leave tech.

Monday, May 24, 2021

maths times table grid

today in maths we done a times table grid here are my results the ones in green are the ones that i know

Friday, May 21, 2021

Friday, May 14, 2021


In fitness this week we done follow the leader but with mr redmond in the front, we ran for about 10 minutes and i really enjoy it and i hope we do it again. last week we had the beep test which was also really fun, overall i enjoyed fitness and in the future would like to do a beep test again.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021


Today in math's we learnt stats and made a stem and leaf graph. First we started of doing some stats work on our computer, from the data given we constructed a histogram which looks different from a bar graph and then we went on to doing the stem and leaf, we had to work out the median and the range which didn't take long but overall I learnt quite a lot.

Thursday, May 6, 2021


 Today at tech me and my group had our new rotations of what we do in tech for a term, today we got sowing and robotics. first up we had sowing, this term we were told that we are making a pair of shorts. i was kinda annoyed because our teacher said that we would be making a beanie so yea. second up we had the robotics group, we got to program a lego mindstorms  robot. we had to make it go around a circuit and if it wasnt perfect you would have to go re-program our robot. overall tech was alright and i had a good rest of my day.

Monday, April 12, 2021

Self portrait


So this term we have been working on some art work this is mine. the reason it looks so bad is because i only worked on it for one morning. 

Have you done any art work in class?

Tuesday, March 30, 2021


 On Monday we went to the town hall to watch a performance, the performance was alright but i still enjoyed it. we also done some activity's at Victoria square. we done some activity's like designing our own version of the captain cook statue and designing our own Maori patterns. out of the whole day my favorite thing was doing the activity's at Victoria square.

have you ever been to Victoria square?

Friday, March 26, 2021

Math pictograph

today in maths we learnt how to make a pictograph 

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Graphs for math

 Today we learnt to make a graph on google sheets

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Surf school

 Today we went to surf school at Sumner to learn some new surfing skills. it was really run an di really enjoyed the surf lesson.the only downside about the trip was that the boards had no was on them and they only had the tiniest grip in the world. the trip would of been way more fun if i could catch the waves but it was still fun sitting out the back talking to my friends.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021


 Today we walked down to the Christchurch school of gymnastics to do a gymnastics coarse which was really fun in most ways. my most favorite thing we done was the foam pit because the guy told us that we could do flips next week but this week we just done some easy things like 360s and some other things. the hardest thing would of been the circle thingy that we had to go upside down and hold it for 10 seconds but it got easier the more i did it.  before we new it the session was over and we had to go back to school.

Have you ever been to the Christchurch school of gymnastics?

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Choice and challenge

 This week at choice and challenge all the kids tried to beat us up which wasn't fun at all. but there was this really bad kid that kept running away and hitting me and kicking me which was really annoying and then the kid ran over to josh and punched him in the face. after that the kid ran back to class which was a relief so me and josh bot talked to each other and we both said why do we do this and we both said i don't know. now were questioning not doing choice and challenge anymore.

Would you do choice and challenge?  

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Swimming this week

This week at School swimming we have been working on three main strokes Breaststroke , Freestyle and Backstroke. the stroke i enjoy the most is freestyle or breaststroke i cant figure which one i like the most. i'm in the ten length group which means we pretty much do ten lengths every day which is exhausting but ill get used to it. i hope to get better at backstroke because that's the stroke i don't like the most and i'm not very good at it ether. by swimming sports i hope that i can also get faster at swimming so i can make it to zones. after i finish my 10 lengths i go and find my Friends Kaden Rylin and josh to play tackle ball rush in the little kids pool but we cant play that anymore because we let some other people play and they tackled someone else and they nearly hit their head on the side of the pool which wouldn't of been good, but he was fine.

Have you done swimming at school before? 

Friday, February 12, 2021

Ad for literacy

 This week in Tangaroa we have made ads about weird things me and my friend josh made this one about dog food.